How to grow and harvest Black Beauty Zucchini.


Black Beauty Zucchini is one of the easiest and most enjoyable heirloom vegetable plants you can grow in your garden. This Zucchini is also harvested by many gardeners at the wrong time. Plant your seeds 1inch deep when all danger of frost is gone, Zucchini will be damaged by even a light frost. I usually plant the seeds 3 or 4 to a hill and space the hills at 3 feet, these plants grow large. The seeds germinate quickly, usually in about 7 days you will see sturdy seedlings push through the soil. The plants grow very quickly, you can see growth almost every day. In the the first two weeks you will already start to see buds forming. The amount of time to harvest is only 54 days. These plants grow fast and are not fussy about soil type, although they do like well drained soil and don’t do well in constantly wet conditions. They also like lots of sun 6 to 8 hours a day. The Zucchini plants will produce a large number of vegetables over a long period of time if they are harvested correctly. You need to harvest them at 6 to 8 inches long regularly, they grow very fast so you need to check your plants every day. If you harvest the the Zucchini larger than that it will not taste as good, have seeds, and the plant will stop producing. The smaller Zucchini at 6 to 8 inches will have no seeds and taste great. There are a lot of really good recipes you can look up. One of my favorites is peeling the skins into ribbons and finely dicing the core and serving with pasta and a spicy oil and garlic sauce, the Zucchini is very mild tasting. A few other things about Zucchini plants is that they do not like their roots to be disturbed, I have seen plants become unhealthy or die just from pulling a large weed out from near the root system. Zucchini is also loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin C,K,B6 and minerals Folate, Manganese, and Potassium.


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How to plant seeds directly into your garden and have them germinate quickly.